The Kingdom Renaissance Is Here! More Is Required.
The Kingdom of God has entered the Kingdom Renaissance. In the Renaissance, Holy Spirit is calling Embassy to a higher way of doing and serving the Body of Christ. Part of doing, serving, and stewarding a higher way is becoming a "full-service" church - that functions with incredible skill and power.
For this reason, we are implementing "Pneuma Intelligence" and reporting to obtain what Holy Spirit is doing during a Sunday morning setting. Our reporting will ensure we steward what the Heavens have released and make it actionable - or ensure our guests and members can connect with the move of God with little to no delay.
We are mandated to provide ministry services that fulfill what Holy Spirit has begun during a Sunday morning service setting.
Here's What That Means:
If Holy Spirit is working deliverance in a Sunday morning service, we would like to offer every guest and member the opportunity to sign up for a deliverance session right on the spot or right after service.
While not all pneuma intelligence will translate to a ministry service, pneuma intelligence will be made actionable with each ascension gift committee weighing in on what the Heavens are saying and where the sheep are in relation to that intelligence. This will ensure that we are governing and staying current with Holy Spirit as an ecclesiastical governing body.
Our consistent weekly and monthly reporting will help us see how well we are stewarding and serving.
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Reporting Expectations
1. The "Company of Prophets" will gather pneuma intelligence every Sunday, and analyze/distill that intelligence into something communicable. This will be done by providing a weekly report to Apostle Smith using the form above. This report is due by 5:00 p.m. (EST) every Tuesday.
2. Apostle Smith will ensure that the remaining ascension gift committees are given the weekly prophetic report to support their monthly reporting.
3. Every ascension gift committee will submit a monthly report on the Friday before Presbytery, using their respective forms found above. All reports are due by 5:00 p.m. on their respective due dates. The Prophetic Committee will also submit a monthly report.
Apostle Smith has identified these people as those who will receive the prophetic report and submit their reports for their committee:
Apostolic Committee: Apostle Smith; Prophetic Committee: Prophetess Cole; Pastor/Teacher Committee: Pastors Day; Missions + Outreach Committee: Evg. Andrew + Prophetess Tekeyah Gaines